L'Église orthodoxe éthiopienne

Aujourd'hui 15 novembre 2024

6 heudar 2016

The Ethiopian Synaxarium


On this day died the holy father Felix, Archbishop of the city of Rome. The parents of this holy man were Christians, and they taught him all the doctrine of the Church, and Anastasius, Archbishop of the city of Rome, made him a deacon. When Justus was appointed Archbishop of the city of Rome, he perceived the intelligence and good disposition of this man, and his fair righteousness, and he made him a priest. When Dionysius, Archbishop of the city of Rome, died now he lived in the days of Theonasius, Archbishop of the city of Alexandria, they chose Saint Felix to be Archbishop of the city of Rome, and by the Will of God he was appointed, and he guarded and protected the flock of Christ well. After the death of Tures (sic) Caesar, Theodore Caesar reigned, and he made those who believed in Christ to suffer great tribulation, and he tortured them with exceedingly cruel tortures, and very many of them suffered martyrdom at his hands. Through him very great tribulation and sorrow came upon this father, and he entreated God concerning it, and God destroyed the emperor in the second year of his reign. When Diocletian the infidel reigned he afflicted the Christians and tortured them, and this father Abba Felix prayed to God that he might not live to see the tortures of the Christians, and he died in the early days of the year in which Diocletian ascended the throne. All the days, which this father sat upon the Apostolic throne, were five years and a half. He composed discourses and admonitions and exhortations, and in some of these he discussed excommunication and the Orthodox Faith; these are exceedingly good works and are profitable to Christians. Salutation to Felix who was chosen for the archiepiscopate, the interpreter of the New and the Old Testaments.

And on this day also our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ and His disciples were gathered together on Mount Kueskuam, and He consecrated His Tabernacle and Church, and performed the consecration of the Offering with His disciples on that day. This was the first consecration [of the Offering] on Mount Kueskuam, according to what Saint Theophilus and Saint Cyril, Archbishop of the city of Alexandria, testify concerning this matter. Salutation to those who have taken refuge at thy feet, O Mount Kueskuam, namely to Mary and her Child Christ.

Salutation, salutation to Josa, son of Joseph.

And on this day also are commemorated Afros, and Adinius, and Justus, and Marterus, and Lucirius (Lucinius), and Suninus, and Bandicorus (Labandicorus), and Eulasius, and Cornelius, and eight thousand (or seventeen thousand) martyrs of the congregation of Isidore.

Glory be to God Who is glorified in His Saints. Amen.

Iyesus Kristos

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Saint Arsema

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Quesqam Mariam

Qusquam, the return of the Holy family to their home