2 tahsas 2016
The Ethiopian Synaxarium
On this day God performed an act of power for the Three Children, that is to say, Ananias, Azarias and Misael, and sons of Eliakim, the King of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar carried off into captivity with their father, and he reared them in his house and sold them in the country of Babylon. When Nebuchadnezzar had made the image of gold he commanded his officers and the people of his kingdom to worship it. And when certain men informed against them and told the king that the saints had refused to worship it, he commanded his soldiers to cast them into a fiery furnace which they had heated seven times hotter than usual; and they prayed for a long time with their hands stretched out. Then the angel of the Lord went down and made the fire to become like a cool wind, and he brought them out, and the fire had neither touched them nor singed the hair of their heads. When Nebuchadnezzar saw this he bowed down and worshipped God, and he honored the Three Children exceedingly. Salutation to Shadrach, Meshach and Abdenego, who were preserved by God in a fiery furnace, which was heated with pitch and asphalt.
And on this day also seven hundred and thirty-three (or seven thousand and three) souls were martyred by Diocletian and they died in the city of Antioch; these were the slaves of Fasiladas and his kinsfolk.
And on this day also [are commemorated] the deaths of Abtesfen, and Anbas, from the West; and Nathaniel the monk, the worker of miracles; [and Abba Hor the Monk].
Salutation to Eutychianus who finished his course and kept his Faith.
And on this day also died Saint Abba Hor the monk. This holy man was a native of the city of Gawrah in Upper Egypt. And he became a chosen monk, and he fought the fight and he was superior to very many of the saints in his piety and spiritual strife; and he loved to live by himself, and he went out into the desert, and he dwelt there, a devoted ascetic, for many years. And Satan, the enemy of good things, appeared unto him openly and said unto him, “In the desert thou canst conquer us, because there are no men here; but if thou wouldst [show thy self] to be mighty and strong [go] to the city of Alexandria.” When Saint Abba Hor heard this he rose up and went to Alexandria, and he drew water for those who were in prison and for the poor. And at that time three horses used to pass through the city galloping, and one of them kicked a child and he died immediately. And Satan entered into the hearts of the men of the city, and they meditated in their hearts and said, “No one killed this child except this old monk.” And Abba Hor came and took the child in his arms, and he prayed in his heart and made entreaty to God, and he made the sign of the Cross over him, and the soul of the child returned to him, and he rose up alive, and Abba Hor gave him to his mother. And Abba Hor fled out of the city and they sought for him,
but could not find him; and he went to the desert and lived there for many years, and he fought the spiritual fight continually, and he devoted himself to righteousness and doing works of excellence. When the time for his departure drew night he saw many saints calling him, and he rejoiced exceedingly. And he sent and gathered together his sons, and he commanded them to be strong in the path of the ascetic life, and in working righteousness, and he told them that he was about to depart to our Lord Jesus Christ; and they were exceedingly sorry. Then he became sick a little and he delivered up his soul into the hand of God. Salutation to Abba Hor, whose prayer restored the dead to life.
Glory be to God Who is glorified in His Saints. Amen.
Thaddeus the Apostle
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Abba Guba
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