27 tahsas 2017
The Ethiopian Synaxarium
On this day Saint Absadi the bishop became a martyr. When the Emperor Diocletian heard the report of the great Bishops Abba ‘Absadi and Abba Hellanicus, of Upper Egypt, and that they were confirming the Christians in the True Faith of our Lord Christ, and were destroying the worship of idols, he sent messengers and had them brought to him, and he tortured them very severely. And Saint Abba ‘Absadi asked the imperial messenger to wait for him one day. Then he prepared the Eucharist, and administered to the people the Holy Mysteries, and he commanded them to hold fast to the True Faith, and he embraced them and went forth from them, and delivered his soul into the hand of God. And the messenger took him to Arianus, the governor of the city of Antinoe. And when the messenger saw the face of Abba ‘Absadi, he marveled at his appearance and his dignity, and he was sorry [for him], and said unto him, “Thou art a man of dignity; take pity on thyself and hearken to the voice of the emperor.” And the saint answered and said unto him, “I will not hearken to the command of the emperor, the infidel, and I will not exchange the kingdom of heaven for life in this transitory world”; and there were many words between them, but Saint ‘Absadi would not turn from his good counsel. And then the governor commanded the soldiers to torture him on the wheel, [and they did so]; and they cast him into a red-hot oven, and also into the furnace which heated the baths; and Saint Abba ‘Absadi endured all these tortures patiently, and God raised him up uninjured. Then the governor commanded them to cut off his head with the sword. And when the saint heard this he rejoiced with a great joy, and he put on his priestly vestments, and he stretched out his neck and they cut off his glorious head, and he received the crown of martyrdom in the kingdom of the heavens. Salutation to ‘Absadi and Hellanicus, Bishops of Upper Egypt.
Salutation to the endurance of Abba Bag’u, who laid a ban upon water or seventy years.
Salutation to Philip the virgin, who by fasting and the spiritual fight reduced himself to skin and bone.
Glory be to God Who is glorified in His Saints. Amen.
Medhane Alem
The Saviour of the world
Abune Meba Zion
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